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31st December 2022 - all of us at Maursett (Maureen, Tony,
Hannah, the canine mob and, of course, Ginge the Cat) send you
our best wishes for a healthy and safe 2023.

As we
approach the end of the year, we thought we would do a review of
what has proved be a great year in the show ring, but
health-wise, something of a nightmare. This began with Maureen
having breast cancer and undergoing a mastectomy, along with all
sorts of other problems that we will give a miss here, as well
as more surgery for Tony!
Championship shows in 2022, it was a very different story, with
Foy (Sh
Ch Maursett Malfoy),
Garfield (Sh Ch Maursett Malachie at Molvonia) and Mercy (Sh
Ch Maursett Mercy) all
gaining their titles. Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) and Mary
Hanney's Walter (Maursett Moruisg) also picked up Challenge
Certificates. Muttley (Maursett Muttley at Molvonia), Peggy (Maursett
Marvella of Bebacova) and Mimi (Maursett Mimi of Mariank) also
added to the Reserve CC list in the year. In total, Maursett
Clumbers bagged twelve Challenge Certificates and twelve Reserve
Challenge Certificates, along with six Best Puppy in Breed
awards at Championship Shows during 2022. As far as we are
aware, we are top breeders again this year and Mathos (Sh
Ch Maursett Mathos JW)
is Top Stud dog, all the points coming from his first litter.
His second litter has only just hit the show ring a few weeks
ago and his third litter is due to hit the show ring in March
2023. Meanwhile, his fourth litter (with another breeder) is due
any day in the near future.
sure about Top Brood Bitch, but Maeve (Sh
Ch Mischievous Maeve with Maursett) must be in
with a shout, as Foy (Sh Ch Maursett Malfoy), Garfield (Sh Ch
Maursett Malachie at Molvonia) and Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) are her offspring with ten challenge
certificates between them in 2022.
A huge
thank you to Paul and Sue Whitehouse for campaigning Sh Ch
Maursett Malachie at Molvonia (Garfield) this year and his pal
Maursett Muttley at Molvonia. Thanks also Rachel and Lucy
Wareham with Maursett Melwyn (Merlin) who has done a huge amount
of winning, Mary Hanney with Maursett Moruisg (Walter), Ricky
Furnell with Maursett Marvella of Bebacova (Peggy), Ryan Ennis
Holden with Maursett Mimi of Mariank and a;lso to Peter and
Julie Cumming with Maursett Mordecai at Rocabec (Elvis), who
made his debut at LKA where he was Best Puppy in Breed. On top
of all this, there were numerous successes at Open Show level
for the Maursett mob.
We hope
you all have a happy, successful prosperous and, above all else,
safe and healthy 2023.
December 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
what a lovely way to end the year at the Ladies Kennel
Association Championship show judged by breed specialist Peter
Sheppard (Whissgig). Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) picked up her second challenge
certificate winning the Open Bitch class, whilst Ruth Antieul's
Maursett Marceline pipped her litter sister - our Gertie (Maursett
Masikean) - to
win the Puppy Bitch class. Hannah
handled Ryan Ennis-Holden's Maursett Mimi of Mariank, and was
delighted to take first place in the Post Graduate bitch class.
In the
dogs, the Res Dog CC was awarded to Paul and Susanne
Whitehouse's Garfield (Sh Ch Maursett Mallachie at Molvonia).
Elvis also made his debut at the NEC - no, not that Elvis,
but Julie Cumming's Maursett Mordecai at Rocabec who won the
puppy dog class and Best Puppy in Breed. The Post Graduate dog
class was also won by a Maursett, with Rachel Wareham and Stuart
Dunston's Maursett Melwyn doing his owners proud.
wonderful end to the show year.
We send
our best wishes to all our friends in the world of Clumber
Spaniels (and dogdom in general) for a safe, peaceful and
(hopefully) warm Christmas holiday.
  12th October 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
Jane Howarth judged the breed at the Gundog Society of Wales
Championship show. It proved to be a successful day for
the Maursett Mob, with Gertie (Maursett
Masikean) being awarded Best Puppy in Breed. Our
daughter Hannah handled Ayda
Marayd) and won the Junior Bitch class,
whilst Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) picked up another Reserve Bitch CC.
To complete the Maursett success story, we were delighted to see
Rachel Wareham's Merlin (Maursett Melwyn) - ably handled
by her daughter Lucy - winning the junior dog class
(with Paul and Susanne Whitehouse's Maursett Mutley at Molvonia
taking second). Paul and Susanne's day was completed in
some style as they won the Dog CC and Best of Breed with
Garfield (Sh Ch Maursett Mallachie at Molvonia). All in
all, a very satisfying set of results.
 7th October 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
Chris Bexon judged the breed at the South Wales Kennel
Association Championship Show and awarded Gertie (Maursett
Masikean) Best Puppy in Breed. Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) also won the Reserve Bitch CC.
2nd October 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
The Clumber Spaniel Club of Great Britain held its championship
show today, with Swedish judge Karin Brostam Berglands judging.
It proved to be a successful show debut for Gertie (Maursett
Masikean) who won the Minor Puppy bitch class, before getting a
second behind the eventual bitch CC winner in Novice. Ayda
Marayd) then won the Graduate bitch class.
Rachel Wareham saw Maursett Melwyn (aka Merlin) - and handled by
her daughter Lucy - win Junior Dog (as well as Junior Dog or
Bitch in the Specials classes judged by Ken Bartlett).
There was much merriment around the ring for Paul and Susanne
Whitehouse as Paul handled his brace of Garfield and Mutley (Sh Ch
Maursett Mallachie at Molvonia & Maursett Muttley at Molvonia
respectively), winning the class with great aplomb.
September 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
great to have a ride out to a "local" show, where we were not
exhibiting but just spectating. Daughter Hannah was asked
to show Maursett Mimi of Mariank (her very first show) by owner
Ryan Ennis-Holden, under Judge Carol Page. Ryan was
absolutely thrilled when she won the Junior Bitch class and,
even more so, when she then won the Reserve CC. Hannah and
Ryan are both on Cloud Nine and deservedly so. |
September 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
Dave Boden judged the breed at Richmond Championship Show and it
proved to be a good day out for the Maursett Mob. Ayda (Maursett
Marayd) won the Junior Bitch class, whilst
Mercy (Maursett
Mercy) and Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) both won their classes (Limit Bitch
and Open Bitch respectively). We were delighted when
Mercy was then awarded the Bitch CC - her all important third
- and she is now
Sh Ch Maursett Mercy.
Many congratulations to the other winners, including Paul and
Susanne Whitehouse who picked up the Reserve Dog CC with another
dog of our breeding - Maursett Muttley of Malvonia. That has
certainly made a long journey very worthwhile.
August 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
breed specialist Alastair Kirkman took centre stage and judged
the breed at the Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show. He
awarded the Dog CC to Foy (+ and the Reserve Bitch CC
to Marnie (Maursett
Marnie), Foy's litter sister. Not a bad
day out to Builth Wells for the Maursett Mob.
July 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
Leeds Championship show saw Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) continue her winning ways as she won
the Open Bitch class and then went on to be awarded the Reserve
Bitch Challenge Certificate.
July 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
we were delighted to learn that we had been approved by the UK
Kennel Club as Assured Breeders for Clumber Spaniels
July 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
a very sad day as we had to say goodbye to Tilda (Maursett
Mathilda) in her thirteenth year. She was not shown
much, but got two reserve CCs and her stud book number.
Tilda was very much the Maursett matriarch and spent most of her
adult life residing on the settee and living a life of luxury.

importantly, she was very loved and felt like a permanent
fixture chez Maursett. RIP Tilda.
July 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
East of England Championship show saw Eunice King judging the
breed. It was a great day for the Maursett Mob as we
celebrated a brother and sister doubtl. Maursett Malachie
of Molvonia, owned by Paul and Susanne Whitehouse, gained that
all important third CC and Best of Breed and now has his title -
many congratulations to Susanne and Paul. Meanwhile, the
perfect Maursett day out was complete when his litter sister
Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) won the bitch open class and then went on to be
awarded the bitch CC.
June 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
Foy (Sh
Ch Maursett Malfoy) is awarded the Reserve CC
at Three Counties Championship Show, judged by Lee Cox (Vanitonia).
It was a delight to see Foy's litter brother, Maursett Malachie
of Molvonia, owned by Paul and Susanne Whitehouse, go one better
by winning the Dog CC. We always love it when dogs we have bred do
so well in the ring and give their owners such satisfaction.
29th May 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
Ayda (Maursett Marayd) finished her puppy career in style by
going Best Puppy in Show at North Riding Gundog Club's open show
(Best in Show judge - Mr Ernie Lockett). Breed judge
Christine Schofield, who awarded Ayda Best Puppy in Breed,
awarded Best of Breed Clumber to Foy (Sh
Ch Maursett Malfoy),
with Reserve Best of Breed going to Marnie (Maursett
Marnie). What a lovely day out for the
Maursett clan and a big thank you to the judges who thought so
highly of our Clumbers. Judge Christine Schofield wrote:
Sh Ch Maursett Malfoy
Judged this boy as a
youngster, I thought he had great promise then and
today he proved it. This young man presents such a
balanced picture. In super coat & condition
throughout. Pleasing head with gentle expression,
heavy brows, square muzzle and well developed flews.
Good bone and substance, straight front with good
legs and well-padded feet. Short in loin and a good
spring of rib. Well-muscled quarters used to
advantage. Very typical on the move with plenty of
drive from the rear and good tail action. Best of
Maursett Marnie
Quality typy bitch. Nice head
shape and good proportions with the softest of
expressions. There was substance to this bitch
without lacking femininity. Strong breast bone and
good length of ribbing. Moderately angled in the
rear, with the correct level of muscle. Moved with
drive and style. Reserve Best of Breed.
Maursett Marayd
This girl possesses a well -
balanced head with no exaggeration. Good reach of
neck, well laid shoulders. Correct topline and good
tail set. Moved very soundly with such precise foot
fall and super side profile gait showing excellent
reach and drive. Best Puppy & thrilled to see her
take Best Puppy in Show.
20h May 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
SKC Championship Show jsaw the breed udged by Dr A Paloheimo
Segersven. Marnie (Maursett
Marnie) made her return to the ring after more
than two years to gain the Reserve Bitch CC, whilst daughter
Ayda (Maursett Marayd) was Best Puppy in Breed. We were
also thrilled to see another dog of our breeding taking the Dog
CC (his first), namely Maursett Moruisg (Walter to his friends)
owned by an equally delighted Mary Hanney.
7th March 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
what a great delight to receive the following email:
Congratulations on your successs in the Our Dogs Top
Breeder competition for 2021. A wonderful accolade
to have achieved!
Taylor Mr A J W & Mrs M - Maursett
2021 Top Breeder in breed
Spaniel (Clumber)
Gundog (CC Breeds)

January 2022
- Clumber Spaniels:
What a great day for the Maursett Mob at Manchester Championship
Show, where Foy (Sh
Ch Maursett Malfoy)
won Open Dog and then that all important 3rd CC.
Foy then went on to delight us by winning Best of Breed (Judge
Mrs Kathy Moores). Foy's litter brother, Maursett
Mallachie at Molvonia owned by Paul and Susanne Whitehouse, won
the Res Dog CC - their day was made complete as Maursett Muttley at Molvonia
took Best Puppy in Breed. We were also thrilled to see the Res Bitch CC also flying the Maursett Flag as this was awarded
to Ricky Furnell's Maursett Marvella of Bebecova gaining her
stud book number.
