December 2016 - Clumber Spaniels:- breed
specialist Mr Ian Layfield judged Clumbers at the Ladies
Kennel Association Championship Show and he gave 1st in
Limit Bitch snd then the Reserve CC to Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett).
November 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: it turned out to be a
successful return to Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland
Championship Show as Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) wins Open Bitch and then
takes the Best of Breed award from judge Mrs Yvonne
Donnellan. Thanks to Eileen Sutherland (Eilandon) for
the photo.

October 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) wins the Post Graduate
Clumber Spaniel bitch class at Gundog Society of Wales
Championship Show (judge - Morray Armstrong).
2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) gets another 1st place, this
time winning Post Graduate Bitch and then going on to be
awarded the Reserve Bitch CC in Clumber
Spaniels, judged by Sue Brookshaw.
2nd October 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) wins Post Graduate Bitch at
the Clumber Spaniel Championship Show judged by
Marjorie Charlesworth Ironside.
September 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) is awarded the Reserve Bitch
Challenge Certificate at Driffield Championship Show, out of
Yearling Bitch (judged by breed specialist Graham
September 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) wins the post graduate
Clumber Spaniel bitch class and then goes Reserve Best Bitch
at Darlington Championship Show, judged by Becky Johnson.
28th August 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) wins Best of Breed Clumber
Spaniel at the North Riding Gundog Club Open Show judged by
Graham Tain.
7th August 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Maureen judges the
breed at the National Gundog Association Championship Show
and awards the Bitch CC & Best of Breed to Richley Ready to
Rock with Antonine, owned by Linda McGillivray and Andrea
Currie. The Dog CC went to Hilda & Paul Monaghan's Sh
Ch Tweedsmuir Dambuster. Meanwhile, the Reserve CC in dogs
went to Jenny Hyman's Doctor Rashleigh at Ranzham, with
Peter and Jackie Sheppard's Whissgig All That Jazz taking
the Res Bitch CC. Best Puppy was Sue Brookshaw's
Anbrook Violette.
31st July 2016 - Clumber Spaniels:
breed specialist Peter Shepherd judges the Clumbers at York
Canine Society's Open Show and gives Best of Breed to Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett); Maeve was then
shortlisted in the Gundog Group by judge David Alcorn.
1st July 2016 - Clumber Spaniels:
Ernie Lockett judged Clumber Spaniels at Windsor
Championship Show and it was another class win for Maeve (Mischievous
Maeve With Maursett) as she was awarded
the Junior Bitch class.
25th June 2016 - English Setters:
Mike Gadsby judges English Setters at Blackpool Championship
Show and awards Fathom (Mariglen
Fathom for Maursett) first place in the Post
Graduate English Setter bitch class. It was the
largest class of the day for the breed, so doubly
9th June 2016 - English Setters:
international all rounder Andrew Brace judged English
Setters with CCs at the Three Counties Championship Show at
Malvern. He awarded Fathom (Mariglen
Fathom for Maursett) second place in a quality
graduate class of eight exhibits (the winner of the class
went on to get the Res CC).
June 2016 - English Setters:
all rounder David Shields judged English Setters wtih
CCs at Southern Counties Championship Show, where Fathom (Mariglen
Fathom for Maursett) was awarded second place in
a good sized graduate class.
21st May 2016 -
Bracco Italiano:
this time, it was Maureen's turn to run the rule over the
Bracchi Italiani at the Scottish Kennel Club's Championship
show. Maureen awarded the Bitch CC & BoB to Town's It
Ch Altea De Artea Venandi at Braccorion (Imp). The Res
Bitch CC went to Birs Venator D'ursus At Owlspoint ShCM
(Imp). Maureen awarded the Dog CC to
Nag-Kovencz’s Serb Ch Rom Ch
Polcevera’s Ercole (which was his 3rd, giving him his
title). Res Dog CC was Bowley's Gunsyn Albarari, with
Best Puppy going to Towns' You Can Pull Out That Gun (Imp).
Maureen's Best Veteran was Frost's Braccorion's Bernardo of
5th May 2016 - Bracco Italiano:
Tony wass honoured to have
the opportunity to judge Bracchi Italiani at The National
Dog Championship Show and awards the Bitch CC & BoB to
Bowley's Gunsyn Pomata (her all important 3rd CC - many
congratulations), with the Res BCC going to
Bell &
Maddox’s Birs Venator D’ursus At Owlspoint ShCM (Imp).
The Dog CC was awarded to Nag-Kovencz’s Serb Ch Rom Ch
Polcevera’s Ercole (a second CC), with the Res DCC and BP
going to Towns' You Can Pull Out That Gun (Imp). Tony
awarded Best Veteran to Frost's Braccorion's Bernardo of
2nd May 2016 - Clumber Spaniels:
another good day for Maeve (Mischievous Maeve With Maursett)
as she wins Junior and Graduate Clumber Spaniels and is then
awarded Best of Breed by judge Simon Whincup-Grindey at
Border Counties Gundog Club Open Show. English
Setters: at the same show, Fathom (Mariglen
Fathom for Maursett) won the Graduate
English Setter class judged by Dianne Stewart-Ritchie.
24th April 2016 - Clumber Spaniels:
another successful result for Maeve (Mischievous Maeve With Maursett),
who wins the AVNSC Gundog Open class, Best AVNSC Gundog and
then goes on to win Gundog Group 2 under judge Carol Moore
at Saltburn & District Canine Society's Open Show.
Carol Moore wrote:
"What a little cracker she
is. Quality from nose to tail and movement that is a
joy to watch. Square muzzle balanced by moulded back skull.
Bright eye giving a sassy expression. Strong through
the neck, excellent front assembly with plenty of bone and
the correct amount of leg. Firm topline standing and
moving, lovely wide thighs with good muscle."
22nd April 2016 -
Clumber Spaniels:
wow, what a really great day for the Maursett Mob. Lee
Cox judges the breed at WELKS Championship Show, awarding Maeve
(Mischievous Maeve With Maursett)
the Reserve Bitch CC out of the junior class. A long
journey home, but well worth it.
April 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: the Clumber Spaniel Club
Open Show was judged by Kelly Jeffries who awarded Maeve
(Mischievous Maeve With Maursett) first place in the Junior
and Graduate bitch classes. Meanwhile, The Stig won
the Veteran Dog class.
March 2016 - Clumber Spaniels: Crufts sees Maeve
(Mischievous Maeve With Maursett) taking the Reserve Bitch
Challenge Certificate - big thank you to our judge Mr Gordon
Talbot and congratulations to the other winners today.
What a super day it proved to be and it was great to meet up
with so many of our Clumber friends from around the world.
28th February 2016 -
Clumber Spaniels:
Yorkshire Gundog Society's Open Show sees Maeve
Maeve With Maursett)
winning Best of Breed
under judge Ian Dawson.
6th February 2016 -
Clumber Spaniels:
Darlington Canine Society's Open Show took place.
Whilst there were no Clumber Spaniel Breed classes, gundog
judge Kirsty Miller awarded Maeve
Maeve With Maursett)
won Best AVNSC Gundog.
English Setters: at
the same show, Fathom took Best of Breed English Setter,
again judged by
Kirsty Miller.
10th January 2016 -
Clumber Spaniels: Goyt
Valley Gundog Society's Open Show saw Maeve
Maeve With Maursett)
enjoying more
success as she took Best Puppy in Breed and Best of Breed
under breed specialist judge Peter Shepherd. She then
went on to win a good sized stakes class judged by Mrs Lynda
Adams and topped a great day off by going Puppy Group 2
(Judge: Nigel Worth).
January 2016 -
Clumber Spaniels: good news as we get the Test Result from Laboklin, showing that Tilda (Maursett
Matilda) is clear using the Exercise Induced Collapse
test run in conjunction with the Clumber Spaniel Club.
1st January
2016 - Happy New