
Maursett Morveena

Sex Bitch Reg No. AC00086804
Date of Birth 20/11/2001 Breed Clumber Spaniel
Owner Mr A J W Taylor & Mrs M Taylor Breeder Mr A J W Taylor & Mrs M Taylor
Colour & Markings Lemon & White Pet Name Veena
Sh Ch Marchlands Hot Pursuit Marchlands Rough Justice Sh Ch Bosslynn Crusader of Colland Sh Ch Raycroft Sunny Jim Raycroft Sheriff
Wydillon Geordie Ginstar
Colland Country Fayre Clubow Simeon
Topjoys Right on Thyme
Marchlands Double Jeopardy Sh Ch Raycroft Sunny Jim Raycroft Sheriff
Wydillon Geordie Ginstar
Marchlands All That Jazz Redmarsh Double Eagle
Damians Rebbeka of Marchland
Marchlands Crime of Passion Sh Ch Marchlands Mr Rumpole Raycroft Scandinavian Welladays Sunday Bloody Sunday
Outlines Pink Champagne at Raycroft
Marchlands All That Jazz Redmarsh Double Eagle
Damians Rebbeka of Marchland
Marchlands Double Jeopardy Sh Ch Raycroft Sunny Jim Raycroft Sheriff
Wydillon Geordie Ginstar
Marchlands All That Jazz Redmarsh Double Eagle
Damians Rebbeka of Marchland
Maursett Martinique Topjoys Limited Edition at Maursett Sh Ch Raycroft Socialite Sh Ch Raycroft Sunny Jim Raycroft Sheriff
Wydillon Geordie Ginstar
Sh Ch Raycroft Society Girl Wydillon Geordie Starring of Clubow
Raycroft Sue Elle
Sh Ch Topjoys Quest for a Star Sh Ch Clubow Stars and Stripes at Raycroft Raycroft Sunny Jim
Raycroft Sparklet of Clubow
Sh Ch Marshmarks Minnitonka of Topjoys Galadriel Curious
Marshmarks Missy
Sh Ch Maursett Marguerite Sh Ch Raycroft Silvino Sh Ch Raycroft Sunny Jim Raycroft Sheriff
Wydillon Geordie Ginstar
Sh Ch Raycroft Society Girl Wydillon Geordie Starring of Clubow
Raycroft Sue Elle
Maursett Mad Myrtle Sh Ch Topjoys Just Socializing Raycroft Socialite
Topjoys Quest for a Star
Maursett Double Trouble Belcrum MacAonghais Mor at Maursett
Raycroft Sheena at Belcrum

Gwynn Pearl Gertie Ayda Ella Foy Marnie Mercy Mathos Maeve Beatrice Ethel Merlin Tilda The Stig Doris Maude Mamile Veena Crumble RiffRaff Ettie Elley Humphrey Margie Myrtle Megan Martha Sheena Claude


Gwynn ] Pearl ] Gertie ] Ayda ] Ella ] Foy ] Marnie ] Mercy ] Mathos ] Maeve ] Beatrice ] Ethel ] Merlin ] Tilda ] The Stig ] Doris ] Maude ] Mamile ] Veena ] Crumble ] RiffRaff ] Ettie ] Elley ] Humphrey ] Margie ] Myrtle ] Megan ] Martha ] Sheena ] Claude ]

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Gwynn Pearl Gertie Ayda Ella Foy Marnie Mercy Mathos Maeve Beatrice Ethel Merlin Tilda The Stig Doris Maude Mamile Veena Crumble RiffRaff Ettie Elley Humphrey Margie Myrtle Megan Martha Sheena Claude