Margie holds a special
place in our household as she was to be our first, home grown,
Clumber Spaniel Show Champion.

"Sh Ch Maursett
Marguerite....a really feminine, pretty lady. She has had
a superb career, winning well from a very young age. She
is hard to fault, with correct proportions, good coat and
excellent movement."
extracted from the book
"The Aristocrat of Spaniels", by W J Ironside and I M
"Exquisite bitch,
feminine, not overdone anywhere, grand head, correct rise of
skull, good length and depth of muzzle, longish neck with a good
crest, excellent shoulders, upper arm, super front, just the
right amount of bone, well up on toes, strong pasterns, topline
good. Carrying just the right amount of weight.
Rugged bend of stifle. I could go on, she is beautiful on
the move and really looks the part, judged her as a youngster
and thought a shade too long, she has grown into it and now
looks a picture. Bitch CC"
Chris Bexon, Judge,
Clumber Spaniel Championship Show 1995