Maursett Double Trouble
Sex Bitch Stud Book # 3957CD
Date of Birth 27/11/1988 Breed Clumber Spaniel
Owner Mr A J W Taylor & Mrs M Taylor Breeder Mr A J W & Mrs M Taylor
Colour & Markings Lemon & White Pet Name Martha
Belcrum MacAonghais Mor at Maursett Ch Tollylog Angus Mor of Belcrum Sh Ch Raycroft Senator Raycroft Silas Vulcanic of Hamrik
Alansmere Snow Glint
Sh Ch Raycroft Serena Eastway Bonanger
Raycroft Sara-Ann
Sh Ch Twidale Snowgirl Raycroft Silas Vulcanic of Hamrik
Alansmere Snow Glint
Dobre Moonlight Solentmist Storm
Frastan Charmer
Scarsdale Bonnie Anne of Belcrum Humberfield Justin Thyme of Oakring Sh Ch Fatpastures Just Desserts of Topjoys Simental The Marksman
Fatpastures Figgy Pudd'n
Humberfield Pollyanna Voice of Fatpastures
Inloc Avondale Adriana
Scarsdale Sunrise Sh Ch Raycroft Senator Raycroft Silas
Raycroft Serena
Raycroft Shepherdess Raycroft Solo
Raycroft Saffron
Raycroft Sheena at Belcrum Sh Ch, Can Ch & Am Ch Raycroft Sheriff Raycroft Silver Sabre Ch Tollylog Angus Mor of Belcrum Raycroft Senator
Twidale Snowgirl
Clubow Silvator Raycroft Senator
Raycroft Starlight
Raycroft Sing Song Sh Ch Raycroft Senator Raycroft Silas
Raycroft Serena
USA Ch Raycroft Serenade Raycroft Silas
Marianne of Raycroft
Sh Ch Wydillon Geordie Ginstar Sh Ch & Am Ch Clubow Starry Surprise Sh Ch Raycroft Senator Raycroft Silas
Raycroft Serena
Sh Ch Raycroft Starlight Raycroft Solo
Raycroft Saffron
Sh Ch Fatpastures Ginny-for-Short Simental The Marksman Raycroft Sorcerer
Raycroft Silver Sheen
Sh Ch Fatpastures Figgy Pudd'n Fatpastures Dumpling
Blues of Fatpastures


Gwynn Pearl Gertie Ayda Ella Foy Marnie Mercy Mathos Maeve Beatrice Ethel Merlin Tilda The Stig Doris Maude Mamile Veena Crumble RiffRaff Ettie Elley Humphrey Margie Myrtle Megan Martha Sheena Claude

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