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Tibetan Spaniels


If someone had told us that, after having gundogs for over 40 years, we would end up with a small furry thing in the Utility group we would have thought they were off their rocker.

We had a phone call from Richard and Scot Lemon asking if we could go down and have a look at a Clumber Spaniel we had bred that they had adopted.

Blaze, the Clumber, was fine and we entered the house to be mobbed by what seemed to be hundreds of small furry animals; they were in fact Tibetan Spaniels and it was love at first sight for us.

Oldcharm Can you Love me at Maursett, Rodri, named after the Manchester City player arrived in late 2023 and lives with daughter Hannah and her family.  Roll on six months and our addiction to the Tibbie fascination is confirmed as Parloueve My Love for Maursett - Zaya - arrived to join the Maursett mob.

Whilst so very different in size to our Clumber Spaniels, they seem to have many similarities in terms of their personality, although we have to admit the Tibbies are more prone to climbing (but they are teaching the Clumbers bad habits in this regard, of course).


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Zaya Rodri


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