Spice Twice As Brave As A Bear at Anbrook (Imp FIN) |
Jazzin's Tailor Made for Spice Twice
Am Ch Monarch Standndelivr Invergrdn
Am Ch Bella Vita The Full Monty
Am Ch Villa De's Scotian Odyssey
Am Ch Alpine Lincoln Continental
Am Ch Invergordon's Jest About Now
Am Ch Ch Bella Vita Biscotti
One Ash Hanna of Invergordon
Am Ch Nexus Jazzin's Jenga
Am Ch Cannonbrook's Red Ryder
Am Ch Smokerise Country Gentleman
Am & Can Ch Clussexx Little Goatfeathers
Am Ch Nexus Artesia
BIS Ch Jet Set's All The Right Stuff
Nexus Saskia
FIN Ch Spice Twice Queen Guinevere
Anbrook Stars N Stripes JW |
Sh Ch Tweedsmuir White Hunter
Nonsuch Cafe Au Lait (Imp)
Tweedsmuir Solitaire
Sh Ch Anbrook Glenfidich JW
Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Top Gunner JW
Anbrook Glenmorangie
Spice Twice
Viking Vigdis
Nor Swed Ch
Welladay's Wallstreet
Am Ch Companionway's
Against the Wind
Don's Viva Welladays
FIN Ch Karlux
Doris Day
FIN Ch PRT Ch Nonsuch
Spyce Twyce
Winsome Ice Queen
Lewisporte Make a Wish for Maursett (IMP BEL) |
Int Bel & Lux Ch
Bear's Bay Full Speed to Cape Lewisporte
Ch I.B. 08 (Lux. 06
Ned. 07) Clussexx Chance Encounter
Am Ch Vishhnu
Quijote Del Cipres
Col Ch Quail Hollows Pink
Avalea Creme de Menthe
Am Ch
Clussexx Marry Me Bill
Am Ch Clussexx Billy
Goat's Gruff
Am Ch Tanelorn's
Raspberry Fool
Ch (Ital. )
Wymeswold Cartagena Loc
Ch (Ned 05, Lux) VDH
Ch Wymeswold Clyde Doodles
NL Ch Spice Twice Sir
Nl Ch Welladays Basic
Pollyana del Cypres
Am Ch Clussexx Heir
Ch Vishnu Bianca Del
Ch (Lux)
Clumburgh Aileene
Clussexx Kid
Am Ch/Sh Ch
Clussexx Crayola Crayon
Am Ch Smokerise Country
Am & Can Ch Clussexx
Little Goatfeathers
Am Ch
Clussexx Business of Usual
Am Ch Clussexx Chairman
of the Board
Am Ch Clussexx You're a
Am Ch Don's
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Am Ch Australian Ch
Clussexx Life Down Under
Don's Bring Home the
Am Ch
Clussexx Oh My Stars
Am Ch Australian Ch
Clussexx Life Down Under
Am Ch Clussexx Ms Coffee